Inspiring Creativity
David Pearl is an innovator in business, the arts and social change
Turning work into a creative experience.
We’re looking to help you create experiences that shake up cultures, inspire performance, spark fresh ideas and make life a little better every day.
Welcome to Pearlworks
Working Together
In times which demand we all exercise our imagination, there are four areas of our work which clients seem to appreciate most. Experience Engineering is how we describe designing and leading high-stakes, high-impact meetings across the world. Story for Leaders is about harnessing the extraordinary power of narrative - for good; Authoring the Future not just coping with it. Ensemble is the arts-bred skill that allows teams to create, self-organise and perform effectively together at a whole new level. And finally our Walkshops for Business help leaders navigate complexity by weaving street-based creative walking practises developed by our international social venture Street Wisdom into client experiences and conferences.
“David is a real maestro of corporate creativity”
Speaker. Animator. Performer
My most recent book Wanderful…
…is a guidebook for “human navigation for a complex world” - awakening your innate guidance systems and helping you find your way through the noise. It follows Will There be Donuts? (The Times Top 10 ) on the art of meeting and Story for Leaders, a handbook for anyone who wants to harness the power of narrative.
“Gets your mind off the beaten track”
Sir Ken Robinson
“The art of storytelling is at the heart of inspiring others. David Pearl is a master at this”
Ian Buchanan CIO Barclays
“A very rare beast…a highly readable book about business life that offers road-tested advice and entertaining anecdotes”
The Times
* all royalties from sales of Story for Leaders and Wanderful are donated to Street Wisdom
Street Wisdom
Our international social venture that’s bringing experiential learning to city streets across the globe through guided, (physical and virtual) WalkShops. Helping people find inspiration in the everyday. Every day.
20,000+ Participants 900+ WalkShops 87 Countries
Wanderful the Podcast
Our podcast (beloved by curious creatives the world over) explores everyday challenges in the company of an entertaining and refreshingly candid guest. Then we head off on a walk with that challenge in mind and share ways to get clarity, insight and answers to our life questions. It’s inspiration on the go. Join us!
About David
Drawing on a lifetime’s experience in opera, theatre and film, David has pioneered the use of the arts in business and today is creative confidante to high-profile CEOs and their teams across the globe.
An ex-BBC broadcaster, David is best known for designing, orchestrating and animating high-stakes meetings (live and online) across the planet. He is also the founder of non-profit social venture Street Wisdom and keeps his creative instincts sharp with his improvising musical ensemble, Impropera.
When pushed, David says the common thread running through his diverse work is “finding the inspiration in the everyday - every day.”